Section: The ATTO Text Editor | Moodle Users | GCC

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The ATTO Text Editor

  • The ATTO Text Editor

    The ATTO text editor is used to create all content on Moodle, including forum posts. 

    • This is used to compose content in a wide variety of places in Moodle including forums, wikis, pages, and essay questions in quizzes. The tools described here are available wherever the ATTO text editor is installed.

    • The ATTO text editor is used throughout Moodle. Students and instructors use it when composing forum posts or replies, creating pages, and creating other content in Moodle. We have configured Moodle so that YouTube videos are automatically embedded in the text, so video appears without the need to click into YouTube. Further, the advertisements, comments, and recommended video that can distract us are not included when following the recommended steps.