• About the Center

    The Teaching and Learning Innovation Center was started in July 2021. There are three primary ares of focus and action for the center:

    1. Providing instructional media and audio visual services
    2. Supporting online teaching and learning
    3. Advocating research-based teaching methods

    The Teaching and Learning Center is housed in S306. The space includes a flexible teaching and learning space, a Multimedia Studio, an AV storage and shop space, the office of our instructional media specialist, and the desk of our classroom and event AV technician. In addition, the director of the center maintains an office E132N, which is in the new Workforce Development studio.

    • Gary's picture

      Dr. Gary Ackerman joined GCC in February 2019 when he was hired to be the coordinator of instructional technology He was named the first director of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Center in July 2021. 

      Gary's career in education is now in its fourth decade. After 10 years as a science and math teacher, he spent almost 20 years managing information technology in schools, teaching computer courses, and teaching teachers. For the last 12 years or so, Gary has focused on faculty development, instructional design, and online teaching. He has held positions at several K-12 schools and supervisory unions in Vermont and also at Mount Wachusett Community College. He has been an adjunct faculty member at the community college, undergraduate, and graduate level since 1998, much of that teaching has been done online. 

      Gary continues to be active in the educational research community in New England and the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. 

      Gary maintains his professional web presence at hackscience.education and you can read his blog there, as well as as learning about his three books:

      • Technology in Schools: Its Not Like this in Business
      • Efficacious Technology Management: A Guide for School Leaders
      • Technology-Rich Teaching: Classrooms in the 21st Century