First, is is important to get it right.

If sharing settings are not properly configured, then the files you expect students can see will not be available to them. Some are familiar with the results of incorrect sharing settings because students will often share files, but not get the settings right, then you as a faculty member cannot access the file.

Second, just because you can see it, doesn't mean others can.

When you log on to Google Drive, you tend to stay logged on indefinitely, and permissions to access files is determined by the individual who is logged on to Drive. If students complain, "I can't see it<' but you can, it is likely the sharing settings are incorrect.

Third, know your accounts.

Many individuals, and many individuals who share computing devices, have Google accounts. Whichever one is currently logged on will determine the permissions. You can check the google accounts the commonly use a web browser by clicking the avatar in the top right corner. User can switch between accounts, add accounts, and sign-out from that menu.

screenshot of the avatar menu

Fourth, be specific about who has permissions.

Because GCC used Gmail prior to setting up access for faculty and staff, "Everyone at Greenfield Community College" actually refers to two different groups of people. When setting sharing permissions, "Everyone at Greenfield Community College" refers to either the students (how have accounts) or to faculty and staff (who have @gcc., email accounts). For this reason, it is recommended all GCC users avoid using the "Everyone at Greenfield Community College" choice when sharing.

screen shot of link sharing box 

Fifth, know what you are giving others permission to do.

Google allows three type of access, view, comment, and edit. View allows other to see the original and make a copy, comment means they can view and add ancillary text, edit means that can make changes that all subsequent viewers will see. 

screenshot of the link sharing box

Last modified: Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 8:02 AM