Upload your Powerpoint presentation to Google Drive;

Click to open the file in Google Drive;

Click to "Open in Google Slides;"

screenshot showing open with Slides button.

Click "Slides"

Click "File - Publish to the Web"

screenshot of publish to the web option.

Click "Publish"

screenshot of publish button

Click "Embed"

Change the slide size to "Small" (which makes it easier to view on mobile devices)

Copy the code for the <iframe src....

screenshot of publish to the web settings

Navigate to the page where the slides will be embedded, open the html editor (using the </> button in the toolbar)

screenshot of html button

Paste the code 

screenshot of copied code

Click "Save"

A frame will show the slides embedded in the page. Controls allow individual navigate and the animations and transitions are displayed as well. If videos have been inserted after the presentation was converted to Slides, those will play in this as well.

Last modified: Thursday, September 24, 2020, 9:54 AM