Can my Google Meet be "Zoombombed?" (Zoombombing is when trolls-- individuals looking to "cause trouble" will join Zoom meeting and disrupt them.)

The best way to secure your Google Meet is to add the link to your Moodle classroom.

Can I change how I see participants? and make it so one person stays on the screen for everyone (for example if a students is giving a presentation the screen doesn't cut away to someone else?

You can change the layout of the side bar and pin certain participants. Google shows you how:

Can I use the same meeting link and phone number every time or do I need to create a new one each time I want to hold a class?

You can use the same meeting over and over... copy the link into your Moodle classroom. I suggest hiding it from students in Moodle until you are ready to use it. The first person in the meeting controls it! So, if a student enters before you, they admit others and can control participants!

Last modified: Friday, September 25, 2020, 6:26 AM