There are several answers to the question, ?why can?t my students see their grades??

Here are a few things to check:

Make sure ?Hide total if they contain hidden items? is set to ?Show totals excluding hidden items?

                1) Open ?Course grade settings;?

screen shot of "User report" options.
To change this setting:

                2) Expand the ?User report;?

                3) Under ?Hide total if they contain hidden items? to ?Show totals excluding hidden items.?

With these settings, students will see their grade for that category based on the complete items.


Check that the ?Review options? on quizzes allow viewing points. Notice there are four different time grouping in theses settings. I always find it useful to read aloud what I have checked.  

To changes these settings:

1) ?Turn editing on? using the gear menu;

2) Use the drop down next to the quiz to ?Edit settings;?

3) Expand ?Review options;?

4) Check on the options you want students to see. Notice that for some options ?The attempt? must check checked on.

screen shot of "Review options"



Last modified: Friday, September 25, 2020, 8:31 AM