Once instructors:

  1. "Turn editing on" on the gear menu
  2. Click "Add and activity or resource"
  3. Choose "Quiz" and click "Add"

they will be prompted to specify the settings:


Add the name which will appear in the course page. Instructors can use the full text editor when composing the optional description

screenshot of general quiz setings


Click "Enable" to set the open and close dates (if thee are not set, the quiz will become available immediately (but it can be hidden).

Set the time limit if you use one.

Most change the "When time limit expires" to "Open attempts are submitted automitically"

screenshot of timing settings


Add this quiz to a gradebook category.

Grade to pass can be used to (for example) allow repeated attempts until a passing grade is earned or require a passing grade to open other items)

Most faculty change attempts to "1" and leave grading method as "Highest grade"

screenshot of grade options


Allows instructors to specify how many questions appear at once for students.

When "Navigation method" is set to "Free," students can move around the questions until it is submitted; "Sequential" means students cannot move forward or back in the quiz

screenshot of the layout settings

Question behavior

Most faculty leave these unchanged

"How questions behave" settings can be used in interesting ways, you can learn more on Moodle's "Question behaviours" page.

screenshot of question behavior settings

Review options

These settings determine what students will see and when they will see it.

In the settings displayed below, the students would be able their grades immediately after the quiz, but they would not be able to see any thing else. Once the quiz closed (this assumes the instructor enabled and set the close date in the TIming setting) they would be able to open the quiz, see their answers, the correct answers, and any other feedback.

screenshot of review options settings 


These settings are usually left unchanged.

screenshot of appearance settings

Extra restrictions on attempts

These settings are rarely changed.

screenshot of extra restrictions on attempts settings 

Overall Feedback

These allow instructors to give feedback to everyone who scores within a certain range. For example, it might be used in combination with other settings to deliver a message like: "You are close to earning the passing grade for this assignment. Review the material for chapter 1 and you may attempt this again in 24 hours." (This assumes the instructor added an "Enforce delay between attempts" extras restriction and allowed multiple attempts.)

screenshot of overall feedback settings

Common module settings

These are rarely changed.

screenshot of common module settings

Restriction access

These settings can be used to define exactly who sees the quiz and when they see it. These settings are often used by instructors to have meta courses on Moodle with students from multiple in-person sections who have been added to different groups in Moodle. The quiz could be administered to one section but not the other. 

screenshot of restrict access options


These can be added to facilitate searching.

screenshot of tags settings

Last modified: Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 10:28 AM