Rubrics can be added to Moodle classrooms:

1) Add the assignment the rubrics will be used to assess.

2) In the ?Grade options? select ?Rubric? in the ?Grading method? drop down menu.

screenshot of the grading method drop down menu

3)    If no rubrics are available, instructors are prompted to click to ?Define new grading form from scratch.?

screenshot of the advanced grading window

4)    Add a name and description for the rubric; these steps are especially important if you plan to reuse rubrics.

5)    Use the ?+ Add level? button to add columns to the rubric and the ?+ Add criteria? button to add rows. Click in the cells to add descriptions of each level of each criterion.

screenshot fo the rubric tool

6)    Set the ?Rubric options? as you need, then click ?Save rubric and make it ready.?

7)    If you plan to reuse the rubric, click ?Publish the form as a new template.?

screenshot fo the advanced grading window

8)    When faculty click to ?Grade? assignments, the rubric is displayed on the right side of the ?Annotate PDF? window.

screenshot of the rubric as seen when grading an assignment

9) To see the rubric on a single screen and access the boxes to type comments, click the view button on the left of the row just under the rubrics in the submission pane.

screenshot of the rubric in full screen mode

10)    Once a rubric has been saved as a template, instructors can choose it when defining the assignment (back in step 3). The rubric can be edited for specific assignments.

11)    If a rubric is used to grade forums, it allows instructors to give feedback in the grading pane.

screenshot of  a rubric used to grade a forum

Last modified: Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 12:31 PM