At GCC, the Moodle classrooms for online courses are made available at the start of the semester. If the course is face-to-face, then the instructor must change the visibility from "Hide" to "Show."

If you are a student who finds a class is not appearing in Moodle, reach out to your instructor before reaching out to the help desk. If we find that is the problem, we are going to reach out to the instructor rather that changing the setting. You are more likely to get access if you bypass IT!

For instructors, here are the steps for changing the visibility of your course:

1) Go into the Moodle classroom
2) Click "Settings" in the tabs under the course name
the setting tab highlighted on a Moodle classroom

3) In the "General" options change "Course visibility" to "Show"
4) Click "Save and display" at the bottom of the window

screenshot of "Edit course settings" window in Moodle

Last modified: Monday, August 7, 2023, 2:32 PM