The best way to open a Google Meet and give your students access to it is:

1) Create the Google Meet (log on to G Suite, and choose Meet from the apps menu).

2) Copy and paste the URL for the Meet into your Moodle classroom

3) Hide the URL you made in #2 until you are ready to meet, then show the URL and enter it immediately

The audio at the beginning of this video was cut off. The first line of audio should be "[Lets' see how to add Meet] to your Moodle classroom."

Gary has prepared a one-page summary of how to host and join a Google Meet with a screen shot identifying the tools available to participants:

This PDF file of a PowerPoint presentation gives general instructions for hosting and joining a meeting.

This PDF file is abbreviated directions with fewer screen shots; this was created specifically for use in the Peer Tutoring Center, but others may find it useful too.

Google Meet icon

Last modified: Friday, September 25, 2020, 6:23 AM