Add questions from the question bank

If you have created a question bank (or uploaded questions from another source), you can create a quiz, then select questions from the bank to insert.

1) Once you have created the quiz and clicked "edit quiz;"

2) Under the "Add" menu, click "from question bank;"

screen shot of "Add" menu

3) Click the "+" next to the questions you want to add

screenshot of question bank

4) Once the questions have been added, make final changes to points for the quiz or points for questions before saving the quiz.

Screenshot of edit quiz interface

Add questions from using Moodle's question templates

Moodle provides a wide range of question types. The templates for creating questions can be accessed from the "Add" button once you have created a quiz, or you can create questions before you create a quiz.

1) Click the quiz title in the course page to open it. 

2) Click 'Add question"

3) Click "a new question" in the "add" menu

screenshot illustrating the new question menu

4) Click ?Add a question;"

screenshot of add a question button

5) There are 18 types of questions we have configured on our installation of Moodle. Once you have found the type you want, click its radio button to select it, then click "Add."

screenshot of question types

6) Each template includes required and optional fields for configuring the question that will be presented to the students as well as correct answers, feedback, and other options for question behavior. 

Add questions from another Moodle classroom at GCC

Instructor can import questions from the question bank that existing in another Moodle classroom.

1) Click ?Import? on the gear menu;

2) Select the course form which you want to import, click ?Continue;?

3) On the ?Import settings, check ?Question bank? (the others can be turned off if you intend to import nothing else);

screen shot illustrating import settings

4) On ?Schema settings? check each section off (unless you want to import activities);

5) Click ?Next,? then ?Perform import.?

6) The categories and questions will be added to the course.

Adding questions from a Moodle classroom outside GCC or from files provided by your textbook publisher

Before taking these steps, you must have logged on to the other Moodle system and exported questions in "Moodle XML" format or received a file in "Moodle format" from the textbook publisher.

1) Click ?More? on the gear menu;

2) On the ?Course administration? tab, click ?Categories" (this step may not be required as the XML file may have categories embedded in it);

3) Choose the category into which you want to add questions;

4) Click the ?Import? tab;

5) Choose ?Moodle XML format;?

6) Click ?Choose a file,? then use the file picker to upload the .xml file that has been exported from Moodle or provided by someone else.

7) Click ?Import.?

screen shot illustrating import options

8) Make sure to confirm the questions were imported into the correct category.

screen shot illustrating imported questions

Adding questions from Word

Some publishers provide question banks as a .doc or .docx file. In addition, some faculty prefer to compose questions using a word processor. To import questions from Word, they must be composed in either Aiken format or GIFT format. Before attempting this, arrange to meet with Dr. Gary Ackerman who will guide you in formatting the questions, then preparing them for upload. There are some formatting rules that are arcane, and will cause your uploads to fail in a very frustrating manner!

If you want to attempt to upload Aiken or GIFT files, you can follow the advice on these pages:

Last modified: Friday, February 23, 2024, 9:20 AM