The recommended method for giving feedback on papers, presentations, and other assignments that can be created with a word processor or presentation software is "Annotate PDF."

In order to use this tool, students must submit PDF files; directions for creating PDF are available in this classroom.  

In order to use "Annotate PDF," that option must be turned on in the "Feedback types" in the assignment settings; by default this is enabled, but if you have trouble accessing "Annotate PDF," check this is turned on for the specific assignment.

screen shot of feedback types.

To give feedback and submit grades using "Annotate PDF:" 

  1. Click the assignment in the course page;
  2. Click the green "Grade" button next to one of the assignments;
  3. The "Annotate PDF" window will open by default.

screen shot of the "Annotate PDF" window.

Last modified: Friday, September 25, 2020, 8:40 AM