When adding forums in this manner, the instructor must add separate forums for each group. 

  1. Begin by creating the groups. Click "More" under the gear menu

  2. Click the "Users" tab

  3. Click "Groups"

    screenshot of the roups buttons

  4. Click "Create group"

    screenshot of create group button

  5. Enter a name for the groups and adjust other settings, then click "Save changes"

  6. Click "Add/ remove users"

    screenshot of add or remove users button

  7. Select users on the right and "Add" them; the list of user in the group appears on the left

    screen shot of adde users window
  8. Groups are created without clicking any "Save" button
  9. Once all of the groups are created, add the forum as you would any other
  10. Under "Common module settings" enable either "Separate groups" or "Visible groups" depending on if you want the groups to see each others' discussion but not participate (visible) or if you want the discussion to be viewed only by group members (separate). 
  11. Click "Add group/ grouping access restriction" (this opens the restrict access options and displays a drop down menu)
  12. Set the group assigned to this forum.
  13. Click "Save and display" 

Last modified: Monday, October 5, 2020, 7:18 AM