When Slides have been embedded in a page, item description, and most other ATTO items, except forum posts and wikis. Viewers can navigate the slides, 

Screenshot of embedded slides

To embed a PowerPoint or Slides:

  1. Upload the PowerPoint presentation
  2. Open it in Slides
  3. Under "File," click "Save as Google Slides" (Not all PowerPoint features, including animations, work when the presentation is converted.)
  4. Configure the sharing so that "Everyone with the link" can "view"
  5. Under the "File" menu, click "Publish to the web"
  6. Click the "Publish" butt
  7. Click the "Embed" tab (see figure 1)

    screenshot of the "publish the the web" dialog box showing the publish button and the link and embed tabs
    Figure 1.

  8. Click the "Embed" tab
  9. Change the size to "Small" (this improves the display for those using mobile devices)
  10. Copy the entire <iframe> tag (see figure 2)

    the embed tab showing the i frame tag highlighted
    Figure 2.

  11. In Moodle, open the ATTO text editor for the item (page, description, *not* forum posts)
  12. Paste the <iframe> tag (see figure 3).

    screenshot of the ATTO html editor
    Figure 3.

  13. Save.

Last modified: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 9:56 AM