If you discover you have imported form the wrong classroom, follow these steps to save changes, then delete the contents of the course:

0) Install the "Sharing cart" and move any new items into it.

1) Download the "Reset_a_Course.mbz" file to your computer.

2) Gear menu - Restore

3) Upload the the .mbz file saved in step 1); click "Restore"

screen shot of the import a backup file dialogue box

4) Click "Continue" at the bottom of the "Confirm" step.

5) Choose "Delete the contents of this course and then restore" in the "Restore into this course" group; click "Continue"

screenshot of the "destination" step

6) Click "Next" on "Settings"

7) Click "Next" on "Schema"

8) Click "Perform restore" on "Review"

Once the process completes, the course will be empty and you can import again.

Last modified: Monday, July 11, 2022, 1:06 PM