Section: Tools Faculty Use to Teach | Moodle Users | GCC

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Tools Faculty Use to Teach

  • Tools Faculty Use to Teach

    Tools for adding content, adding and using interactive tools, and managing student participation in your course are here. For details on video conferencing see either Google Meet and YouTube Live or Using Zoom.

    • This page describes the primary types of content that faculty add to Moodle classrooms and links to other pages within the Moodle Users classroom that provide step-by-step instructions. These recommendations were updated in spring 2020 to take  advantage of the affordances of Google Drive.

    • Regardless of the type of file on content being embedded, it is recommended the files be linked from Moodle pages. The rationale for that recommendation is described on this page.

    • Unless using Powerpoint is part of your curriculum, PPT files should be managed in one of these ways:

      a) exported as PDF before being uploaded and linked in Moodle, 

      b) exported as an .mp4 file and uploaded to YouTube before being embedded in Moodle,

      c) uploaded to G Suite and published before being embedded in Moodle pages (details for this are in the G Suite section).

      The images on this page are available on this PDF file.

    • Screencastify allows users to capture what is displayed in Google Chrome (along with either audio or video). Recordings up to 5 minutes can be created and are stored in users' Google Drive. This page takes users through the steps of using Screencastify and adding closed captions to the videos.

    • Linking to a Google Doc files from Moodle is useful for distributing files you want students to be able to edit or download. 

    • There are multiple options for adding Google files to Moodle. Page explains three.

    • Google Slides is the G Suite version of PowerPoint; PPT files can be uploaded to Google Drive and many of the animations and timings (but not voice overs!) are compatible and are preserved when presentations are uploaded and converted to Slides.

    • The ATTO text editor is used throughout Moodle. Students and instructors use it when composing forum posts or replies, creating pages, and creating other content in Moodle. We have configured Moodle so that YouTube videos are automatically embedded in the text, so video appears without the need to click into YouTube. Further, the advertisements, comments, and recommended video that can distract us are not included when following the recommended steps.

    • First half is the technical aspect of using library streaming services; second half discusses how licenses work with both library materials and Netflix/Hulu/Amazon.

    • This block (which was added to our installation in June 2020) allows teachers to copy content from one course to another without the need to import.

    • Faculty can use this option to copy amounts of contents from one course to another. This can be used rather than submitting a help ticket to request IT copy content for you. 

    • It is very important to check this so your course does not disappear!

    • There is a "Course Announcements" forum added to each Moodle classroom at GCC by default. Any announcements added to that forum are both posted there and sent to students automatically. 

    • This page contains a video gives a quick demonstration of how forums work in Moodle.

    • When subscribed to forums, updates are sent to users' email. This page summarizes how to configure it.
    • This page take you through the steps of creating a forum that students complete in "group mode" which means they post and reply only to those who have been assigned to the same group.

    • This is the "old" method of grading forums. Some faculty configure this to allow another method of interacting on forums.

    • In summer 2020, we upgraded to Moodle 3.9 which includes "Whole forum grading." This allows instructors to see students' participation on a single page and enter grades easily. 
    • Follow these steps to include a document with your announcement.

    • This is a group annotation tool that has been recommended at GCC since early 2020. This page demonstrates creating an account, installing the Chrome extension, and adding annotations to a web page. 

    • This is a group annotation tool that has been recommended at GCC since early 2020. This page demonstrates creating and using a private group.

    • Wikis are just like Wikipedia-a collection of pages that can be edited by anyone enrolled your course (or a group). 

    • Add a folder where students can upload files. This can also be a better option for adding files to your course than the Folder activity.

    • Add a collection of student-created galleries where you and students can upload files to be viewed by everyone in the course.

    • Allow students to upload images and comment on galleries of images. 

    • Microsoft's free-to-use video discussion platform.

    • Use this tool to add videos that have embedded questions. 

    • Use the to automatically send reminders.

    • When using this option, an activity or resource is unavailable to a student unless the specified grade for an assignment or quiz has been met.

      This feature is usually used along with multiple attempts for the assignment or quiz, otherwise a student who does not earn the grade to "unlock" the activity will be unable to access it without intervention.

    • When faculty want to restrict access to a resource based on (for example) handing in an assignment, they can follow the steps described here.
    • With the upgrade to Moodle 3.9, we were forced to find an alternative to the no-longer supported QuickMail block. This page contains a slide show describing alternatives.

    • Follow these steps to include a document with your announcement.

    • This page displays a playlist of videos that summarize steps for making your course materials more accessible.